How do individuals outside of their home countries gain access to social protection? Since 2014, I have worked with affiliates of the Transnational Social Protection Initiative at Harvard University on different approaches to this question. Our work has resulted in two peer-reviewed articles and a forthcoming book:

  • Transnational Social Protection: Social Welfare Across National Borders. With Peggy Levitt, Ken Sun, and Ruxandra Paul. Under contract at Oxford University Press.

  • “Social welfare grey zones: how and why sub-national governments provide when nations do not”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 45(9):1595-1612, 2019 (with Peggy Levitt, Sonia Parella, and Alisa Petroff).  

  • “The Missing Link? The Role of Subnational Governance in Global Social Protection” Oxford Development Journal, 45(1):47-63, 2017 (with Peggy Levitt).